Scientific names | Common names |
Heptapleurum ellipticum (Blume) Seem. | Arasagat (Ilk.) |
Paratropia elliptica (Blume) Miq. | Galamai-amo (Tag.) |
Schefflera elliptica (Blume) Harms | Kalakang (Bag.) |
Sciodaphyllum ellipticum Blume | Karangkang (Bik.) |
Accepted infraspecifics (2) | Kayangkang (Bik.) |
Heptapleurum ellipticum var. ellipticum | Kokotimbazlun (Yak.) |
Actinophylllum belangeri (Marchal) R.C.Schneid. | Lima-lima (Tag.) |
Aralia moorei F.Muell. | Palan (Sul.) |
Hedera terebinthinacea Wall. | Panagang (Tagb.) |
Hedera venosa Wall. | Tagima (Bis.) |
Hedera verticillata Span. | Tagilima (Bis.) |
Heptapleurum micranthum (Miq.) Seem. | Tarangkang (S. L. Bis.) |
Heptapleurum natale Ridl. | Tughik (Iv.) |
Heptapleurum verticillatum (Span.) Seem. | Tuglima (Bis.) |
Paratropia assamica K.Koch | Climbing umbrella tree (Engl.) |
Paratropia crassa Blanco | Elliptic-leaved schefflera (Engl.) |
Paratropia elliptica var. micrantha (Miq.) Miq. | Five fingers (Engl.) |
Paratropia elliptica var. ovata Miq. | Schefflera vine (Engl.) |
Paratropia elliptica var. riparia Miq. | |
Paratropia elliptica var. tetraphylla Miq. | |
Paratropia elliptica var. verticillata (Span.) Miq. | |
Paratropia macrantha Miq. | |
Paratropia micrantha Miq. | |
Paratropia pubigera Brongn. ex Planch. | |
Paratropia verticillata (Span.) K.Koch | |
Polyscias odorata Blanco | |
Schefflera agusanensis Elmer | |
Schefflera belangeri (Marchal) Harms | |
Schefflera elliptica var. microphylla F.M.Mull. | |
Schefflera fukienensis Merr. | |
Schefflera micrantha (Miq.) Ridl. | |
Schefflera minimiflora Ridl. | |
Schefflera nitida Merr. | |
Schefflera odorata (Blanco) Merr. & Rolfe | |
Schefflera pubigera (Brongn. ex Planch.) Frodin | |
Schefflera stelzneriana Guillaumin | |
Sciodaphyllum assamicum K.Koch | |
Sciodaphyllum belangeri Marchal | |
Sciodaphyllum verticillatum (Span.) Walp. | |
Unjala rheedei Reinw. ex Blume | |
H. ellipticum var. obliquinervium (Gamble) Lowry & G.M.Plunkett | |
Schefflera elliptica var. obliquinervia (Gamble) Karthik. & Moorthy | |
Schefflera venulosa var. obliquinervia Gamble | |
Galamai is a local name for three different species of genus Schefflera, distinguished from each other by the leaf numbers and features: (1) Schefflera elliptifoliola Merr. (Galamai) (2) Schefflera insularum Seem. (Galamai-amo, kalangkang, kulolo, pararan) (3)Schefflera odorata Merr. (Galamai-amo, kalakang, lima-lima) | |
Heptapleurum ellipticum (Blume) Seem. is an accepted species. KEW: Plants of the World Online |
Other vernacular names |
CHINESE: Qi ye lian, Mi mai e zhnag chai (S. ellipitica). |
MALAY: Ara bebari, Bunga kuku langsuir, Cenama gajah. |
LAOTIAN: Lep meu nang. |
OTHERS: Cenama, Gajah, Rawanito, Waghchavad. |
Gen info Botany • Growth form: A woody climber or straggling shrub, up to 10 m tall. Foliage: Alternate, stalked, palmate leaves have 4-7 leaflets that are 6-18 by 2.5-10 cm. Flower: Greenish flowers are arranged in a 10-flowered cluster. Fruits: Fruits are round to egg-shaped, ripening from yellow or orange to black. (20)
Parts utilized Studies Availability |
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Photos © Godofredo Stuart / StuartXchange |
OTHER IMAGE SOURCE: Heptapleurum ellipticum fruits / Bruce Gray / CC BY-SA 4.0 International / Cliick on image or link to go to source page / Wikimedia Commons |
Sources and Suggested Readings |
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DOI: It is not uncommon for links on studies/sources to change. Copying and pasting the information on the search window or using the DOI (if available) will often redirect to the new link page. (Citing and Using a (DOI) Digital Object Identifier) |
List of Understudied Philippine Medicinal Plants |
New plant names needed The compilation now numbers over 1,500 medicinal plants. While I believe there are hundreds more that can be added to the collection, they are becoming more difficult to find. If you have a plant to suggest for inclusion, native or introduced, please email the info: scientific name (most helpful), local plant name (if known), any known folkloric medicinal use, and, if possible, a photo. Your help will be greatly appreciated. |
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