Gen info
- Cajanus cajan (pigeon pea) or toor dal is a perennial legume from the family Fabaceae, native to the eastern hemisphere, and widely cultivated in tropical and subtropical regions around the world.
- Etymology: The genus name Cajanus and species name cajan derive from the Malay word katjang (kacang) meaning legume, referring to the bean of the plant. (63)
- The common name pigeon pea derives from the historical use of the pulse (edible seeds of various leguminous plants) as pigeon fodder in Barbados. Red gram refers to the red color of most Indian varieties and gram to the plant being a legume. (63)
• Kadios is an erect, branched,
hairy shrub, 2 to 4 meters high. Stems are angled and covered with fine hairs. Leaves are oblong-lanceolate to
oblanceolate, trifoliate with two lateral leaflets and a central/terminal leaflet on a longer petiole. Flowers are yellow, occurring in sparse
peduncled racemes, about 1.5 centimeters long. Pod is hairy, flattened, 4 to 7 centimeters long,
about 1 centimeter wide, containing 2 to 7 seeds. Seeds are smooth, 4 to 8 millimeters in diameter, green when immature, turning white, yellow, red or black on maturity, entire or mottled.
- Introduced; naturalized.
In settled areas
throughout the Philippines, cultivated, semicultivated, and in
some places, spontaneous, occurring from sea level to 2,400 meters.
- Probably prehistoric introduction from tropical Asia of Malaya.
- Native to Assam, India, West Himalaya.
- Now pantropic.
- Phytochemical screening yielded carbohydrates, protein, amino acid, fats and oils, steroid, glycosides, anthraquinone glucoside, saponin glycoside, flavonoids, alkaloids, phenolic compounds.
- Pigeon pea is rich in starch, protein, calcium, manganese, crude fiber, fat, trace elements, and minerals.
Seeds are rich in carbohydrates (58%) and proteins (19%).
- Studies yielded 2'-2'methylcajanone, 2'-hydroxygenistein, isoflavones,
cajanin, cajanones, among many others.
- Leaves are rich
in polyphenolic compounds, i.e., flavonoids like luteonin and apigenin, and also stilbenes, saponins, tannins, resins, and terpenoids.
- Roots yield genistein and genistin, hexadecanoic acid, α-amyrin, ß-sitosterol, pinostrobin, longistylin A, longistylin C and cajanol. (23)
- Physicochemical study of leaf powder yielded total, acid-insoluble and water-soluble ash values and moisture content of 9.50%, 1.40 g/100 g, 4.15 g/100 g drug and 6.72%, respectively. Significant phenolic and flavonoid content was observed. (see study below) (30)
- Comparative quantitative phytochemical analyses of bioactive compounds of C. cajan seeds and leaves
yielded: flavonoids (423.75 ± 57.81 and 31.08 ± 8.20 mg/100g), tannins (31.55 ± 2.67 and 17.30 ± 0.47 mg/100g), alkaloids (3118.86 ± 79.35 and 385.54 ± 75.15mg/100g), saponins (51.21 ± 4.66 and 1.82 ± 0.29mg/100g), cyanogenic glycosides (43.91 ± 5.99 and 12.42 ± 1.84mg/100g), glycosides (3.55 ± 1.98 and 3.80 ± 1.01mg/100g) and anthocyanins (8.35 ± 0.172 and 4.75 ± 0.174mg/100g), respectively. (37)
- Nutrient analysis of mature seeds, cooked, boiled without salt, per 1 cup (168 g) yielded: (Proximates) water
115.16g, energy 203, protein 11.36g, total lipid(fat) 0.64g, carbohydrate, by difference 39.06g; fiber, total dietary 11.3g; (Minerals) calcium 72mg, iron, Fe 1.86mg, magnesium 77mg, phosphorus, P 200mg, potassium K 645mg, sodium Na 8 mg, zinc 1.51mg; (Vitamins) vitamin C 0.0, thiamin 0.245mg, riboflavin 0.099mg, niacin 1.312mg, vitamin B6 0.84mg, folate DFE 186µg, vitamin B12 0.0, vitamin A 0.0, vitamin D 0.0; (Lipids) saturated fatty acids 0.139g, monosaturated fatty acids 0.005g, polyunsaturated fatty acids 0.344g, total trans fatty acids 0.0, cholesterol 0.0. (38)
- Phytochemical analysis of leaves, seeds and stems of C. cajan yielded the presence of saponins, tannins, alkaloids, flavonoids, anthraquinones, and reducing sugars. Quantitative analysis of leaf, seed and stems yielded phenolic compounds 16.61%, 3.82% and 14.19%; saponins 5.97%, 6.35% and 4.98%; tannins 0.49%, 0.23% and 0.22%; alkaloids 2.65%, 2.65% and 2.51%; flavonoids 4.77%, 2.11% and 5.44%, respectively. (39)
- Phytochemical screening of ethanolic extract of leaves yielded glycosides, flavonoids, flavonones, steroids, tannins, fixed oil, fatty acids, and protein
(see study below) (47)
- GC-MS analysis of leaves, stems and seeds for essential oil yielded sesquiterpenes, 92.5%, 81.2%, and 94.3% respectively. Major compounds were α-himachalene (9.0-11.5%), ß-himachalene (8.0 - 11.0%, y-himachalene (6.9 - 8.1%), α-humulene (7.1 - 8.7%), and α-copaene (4.5 - 5.6%). (55)
- Review reports a total of 27 flavonoids reported in literature representing seven flavonoid classes. The following are flavonoids from stems and leaves: 4'-O-methylcajanin (S), 2'-hydroxygenistein (S), apigienin (L), biochanin A (L), cajanin (S), cajanol (S,L), chrysanthemmin, formonentin (L), genistein (S), isorhamnetin (L), luteolin (L), orientin (L), peonidin 3-glucoside,, pinostrobin (L), quercetin (L), and vitexin. (L) (60)
- Roots are considered anthelmintic,
expectorant, febrifuge, sedative, vulnerary.
- Studies have suggested antihyperglycemic, anti-inflammatory, anti-plasmodial, anti-sickling,
antihyperlipidemic, antimicrobial, anticancer, antioxidant, anti-fertility, biosorbent, antiulcer, neuroprotective, hepatoprotective properties.
Parts used
Leaves, seeds, roots.
Edibility / Nutrition
- Used mainly for its edible
young pods and seeds.
- Vegetable food crop (
seeds and pods) in South-East Asia.
- Fair source of calcium and iron; good source of vitamin B.
- Kernels are nutritionally rich, containing 20-22% protein. (52)
- Ground dry peas can be mixed with wheat flour to improve the flour quality and protein content. (52)
- Decoction or infusion
of leaves for coughs, diarrhea, abdominal pains.
- Tender leaves are chewed for aphthous stomatitis and spongy gums.
- Pulped or poulticed leaves used for sores.
- Leaves used in the treatment of measles, rheumatism, infected burn wounds, bedsores.
- Roots chewed for toothache; leaves used to clean teeth.
- In Peru, leaves are used as an infusion
for anemia, hepatitis, diabetes, urinary infections and yellow fever.
- In Argentina, leaves used for genital and
skin problems; flowers used for bronchitis, cough and pneumonia.
- In China, as vermifuge, vulnerary; for
- In Panama, used for treatment of diabetes and jaundice.
- In Bangladesh, used for treatment of diabetes.
- In Indian folk medicine, used for a variety
of liver disorders.
- Used in the treatment of jaundice, bronchitis and cough; used as anthelmintic and in child delivery.
- In Saint Lucia, boiled with chadon benni (Eryngium foetidum), and decoction drunk as tonic "when not feeling right." As laxative handful of leaves is pounded, the extracted juice is mixed with Barbados oil, castor oil, and cooking oil. (44)
- Forage: Used as forage or hay.
- Crafts: Branches and stems for basket and fuel.
- Mulch: Fallen leaves can be used as mulch and enhance water holding capacity of soil. (52)
- Broiler feed: Study has suggested it as an alternative protein source in broiler feed, as 7.5% of the diet or as 50% substitution for soybean mean. (57)
• RBC Sickling Inhibition / Sickle Cell Anemia
: Clinical studies
have reported seed extracts to inhibit red blood cell sickling and potential
benefit for people with sickle cell anemia.
• Sickle Cell Anemia: In a single blind placebo controlled study, results showed CC extract may cause a reduction of painful sickle cell crises and ameliorate the adverse effects of sickle cell anemia on the liver.
• Sickle Cell Anemia / Phenylalanine: Paper reports that both extract of C. cajan and the amino acid phenylalanine of which it is rich, are good biochemical reducing agents and oxidative free radical scavengers, and can be employed in the treatment not only of sickle cell disease, but other conditions involving oxidative stress. (13)
• Antiplasmodial constituents of Cajanus
cajan: Study isolated two stilbenes, longistylin A and C and betulinic acid from the roots and leaves of CC and showed moderately high in vitro
activity against Plasmodium falciparum strain. (2)
• Stilbenes / Neuroprotective / Alzheimer's Disease: Study
of stilbenes containing extract-fraction from C cajan showed significant amelioration of cognitive deficits and neuron apoptosis. Findings suggest SECC has a potential in the development of therapeutic agent to manage cognitive impairment associated with Alzheimer's disease through increase choline acetyltransferase activity and anti-oxidative mechanism. (9)
• Hypocholesterolemic Effect: Study
on the stilbenes containing extract-fraction of CC showed a hypocholesterolemic
effect possibly through enhancement of hepatic LDL-receptor and cholesterol
7-alpha-hydroxylase expression levels and bile acid synthesis. (3)
• Hyperglycemic Effect: Evaluation of traditional medicine:
effects of Cajanus cajan L. and of Cassia fistula L. on carbohydrate
metabolism in mice: Contradicting its traditional use
for diabetes, CC did not have a hypoglycemic effect on sugar, instead at higher
doses, it produced a hyperglycemic effect. (4)
• Antimicrobial:
Study shows the organic solvent extracts to inhibit E coli, S aureus and S typhi and the aqueous extract were inhibitory to E coli and S aureus. (5)
• Antimicrobial / Antifungal:
Nigerian study on the antimicrobial effects of the ethanol and aqueous
extracts of locally available plants, including C cajan, showed inhibition
against S aureus, P aeruginosa, E coli and C albicans. The extracts
of C cajan produced wider zones of inhibition against C albicans. (6)
• Hyperglycemic
Effect / Leaves: Study of the aqueous extract
of C cajan leaves showed a hyperglycemic effect, suggesting a usefulness
in controlling hypoglycemia that may be due to excess of insulin or other
hypoglycemic drugs. (7)
• Hepatoprotective / Alcohol-Induced Liver Damage:
Study of the methanol-aqueous
fraction of C cajan leaf extract showed it could prevent the chronically
treated alcohol induced rat liver damage and presents a promise as a
non-toxic herb for therapeutic use in alcohol-induced liver dysfunction. (8)
• Hepatoprotective / Carbon-Tetrachloride Hepatotoxicity: Study in mice with carbon tetrachloride-induced liver damage showed the methanol extracts of B orellana, C cajan, G pentaphylla and C equisetifolia showed significant decrease in levels of serum markers, indicating the protection of hepatic cells in a dose-dependent manner. (10)
• Antioxidant / Hypolipidemic: Study of methanolic extract of CC in alloxan-induced hyperglycemic rats showed a significant reduction in blood glucose, triglycerides, cholesterol, and creatinine concentrations. Antioxidant activity was confirmed with in vitro studies.
• Anticancer / Cajanol / In vitro Cytotoxicity: Cajanol, an isoflavanone from the roots of C. cajan was investigated for anticancer activity towards MCF-7 human breast cancer cells. Results showed inhibition of growth of MCF-7 cells in a time- and dose-dependent manner and induction of apoptosis via a ROS-mediated mitochondria-dependent pathway. (16)
• Cajachalcone / Antimalarial Potential / Leaves: A bioassay-guided fractionation of a crude methanolic extract of leaves yielded Cajachalcone, 2′,6′-dihydroxy-4-methoxy chalcone, as the biologically active constituent from the ethyl acetate fraction. Chalcones and derivatives are small bioactive synthesized molecules with a high potential as leads for discovery and development of antimalarial agents. (18)
• Toxicity Study / Dose Related Hepatotoxic Potential: Study evaluated the effect of oral aqueous leaf extract on electrolyte concentration and ALT, AST, and ALP activities in normal rats. Results showed the aqueous leaf extract has a hepatotoxic potential when consumed at a daily dose of 0.5 g/kg BW or more for 14 days, and suggests lower dosages for local use of the plant extract. (19)
• Effect on Litter Size and Serum Progesterone in Pregnant Rats: Study showed oral administration of aqueous leaf extract increases litter size and plasma progesterone in pregnant rats. (20)
• Anti-Drepanocytosic Activity: Study evaluated four plants, including Cajanus cajan, for anti-depranocytosic activity. C. cajan showed the presence of fatty acids, one of which was characterized as an unsaturated fatty acid. Crude hexane and methanol extracts of Cajanus cajan showed in vitro anti-sickling activity. (21)
• Anti-Oxidative Protection Against Iron Overload Induced Liver Damage / Leaves: Study investigated a methanol extract of C. cajan leaf for antioxidative protection against iron-overload induced liver damage in mice. The plant extract reversed the serum enzymes to approach normal value, and counteracted the overwhelmed serum ferritin level. In vitro studies suggested potential antioxidant activity. Histopath studies substantiated the ameliorative effects of the plant extract. (22)
• Anti-Drepanocytosic Activity: Study compared the protective antioxidant activity, total phenol content and antihyperglycemic activity of a methanolic extracts of Cajanus cajan root and Tamarindus indica seeds. Both plants showed high antioxidant capacity. Reduction efficacy of blood glucose was proportional to their dose, but the methanol extract of C. cajan showed more potent reduction of blood glucose. (24)
• Anti-Fertility Activity / Seed: Study of methanol extract of Bassia latifolia bud and Cajanus cajan seed produced anti-fertility activity on mature female mice. The contraceptive action of both plant extracts is not permanent and the ovarian activities return a few days after withdrawal of the extract. (26)
• Anti-Ulcer / Anti-Inflammatory / Leaves: Study evaluated various extracts of leaves for possible anti-gastric ulcer properties and anti-inflammatory activity in mice. Results showed anti-ulcer activity in three acute models: HCl/ethanol induce ulcer, immersion-restraint stress, and drug-induced ulcer. Study also showed significant anti-inflammatory effect in cotton pellet granuloma and carrageenan induced paw edema models. (27)
• Antihyperglycemic / Cytotoxicity: Study evaluated the antihyperglycemic and cytotoxic potential of methanolic extracts of leaves and roots of C. cajan in mice. Results showed dose dependent and significant reductions of glucose levels. On brine shrimp lethality bioassay, both leave and root extracts showed high degree of cytotoxicity suggesting a promising source of anticancer compounds. (28)
• Antioxidant / Leaves: Study for in vitro antioxidant activity of various leaf extracts showed concentration dependent activity. The aqueous extract exhibited the highest antioxidant activity in all the assays tested (DPPH, reducing power, hydroxyl radical scavenging, and phosphomolybdenum assays). The antioxidant activity of the leaf extracts were attributed to the presence of polyphenols. (see constituents above) (30)
• Biosorbent for Ni / Pods: Study evaluated pods of pigeon pea as eco-friendly material for nickel binding efficiency. Results suggest the pods to be a promising adsorbent for removal of Ni (II) ions from aqueous solution. Findings suggest an economical alternative to the commercially available activated carbon in the treatment of effluent containing Ni(II) ions. (31)
• Hepatoprotective / D-galactosamin-Induced Hepatitis: Study evaluated the hepatoprotective effect of ethanolic extract of CC on hepatic antioxidant status is D-galactosamine-induced hepatitis in rats. Results suggest a possible and potential antiperoxidative role for Cajanus cajan plant extract in hepatic extract. (32)
• Antiulcer / Pylorus-Ligated Induced Gastric Ulcer / Leaves: Study of ethanolic extract of leaves of C. cajan for antiulcer activity in pylorus ligation induced ulcer model in rats showed dose dependent reduction of total acidity and ulcer index, and increase in pH of gastric juice. (33)
• Rust Prevention / Seed Hull Extract: Study evaluated the effect of pigeon pea seed hull extract against rust. Results showed the combination of pigeon pea seed hull extract with turpentine or distilled water is effective in preventing formation of rust. (34)
• Effect of Addition of Pigeon Pea Flour on Cassava Bread: Study showed cassava bread elaborated with the addition of pigeon pea flour resulted in higher content of protein, fat, fiber, ash and resistant starch, and lower contents of carbohydrates, cyanide, in vitro alpha-amylosis rate and calories compared to counterpart without pigeon pea flour. Results may be of benefit in people requiring a low carb diet, including diabetic and obese patients. (35)
• Pulp and Paper-making: Study evaluated pigeon pea plant for suitability in pulp and paper-making Results showed the short fibered plant can be mixed with long fibered wood species for production of paper with good properties and increased pulp yield. The addition of 0.13% anthraquinone to pulping liquor reduced active alkali consumption and increased pulp yield. (36)
• Antifungal / Modulation of Conventional Antifungals / Leaves and Root: Study evaluated the antifungal activity of C. cajan ethanolic extracts of leaves and roots and the modulatory activity of antifungals fluconazole and ketoconazole. Results showed the presence of tannins, flavonoids and alkaloids. The leaves extract showed best activity against C. albicans and C. tropicalis. The evaluation of antifungal modifying activity suggest the extracts are a therapeutic alternative to yeasts resistant to conventional antifungals. (40)
• Tyrosinase Inhibitory Potential / Total Phenolic Content: Study evaluated the total phenolic content and tyrosinase inhibitory potential of root, stem, and seeds parts of C. cajan. The dichlormethane seed extract yielded higher total phenolic content (92.00 ± 1.24 mg GAE/g extract) than methanol and water seed extracts. Highest tyrosinae inhibitory activity was found in the root methanol extract with IC50 of 3.55 ± 0.35 mg/ml. (41).
• Cytotoxic Prenylated Stilbenes / Leaves: Study evaluated extracts of air-dried leaves and isolated compounds for cytotoxic activity. Thin-layer chromatography isolated two prenylated stilbenes, longistylin A and C. The prenylated stilbenes exhibited in vitro cytotoxic activity against human amelanotic melanoma, C32, human breast adenocarcinoma, MCF-7, and human large cell lung carcinoma, COR-L23, cell lines, with IC50s ranging between 20 and 35 µM. These compounds have previously been reported to have antiplasmodial activity. (42)
• Antioxidant / Antibacterial / Anti-Inflammatory / Leaves: Study evaluated the antioxidant, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory activity of leaves of three Thai edible medicinal plants viz. Cajanus cajan, Morinda citrifolia, and Ocimum americanum. All extracts exhibited significant anti-inflammatory activity in lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-stimulated macrophages. C. cajan exhibited broad spectrum antibacterial activity against gram-positive and gram-negative aerobic and anaerobic bacteria. All three exhibited antioxidant effects. (43)
• Antisickling / L-Phenylalanine and p-Hydroxybenzoic Acid: Study Review describes the nutritional composition of pigeon pea and their relationship in the inhibition of sickling in sickle cell disease (SCD). Two chemical components, L-phenylalanine and p-hydroxybenzoic acid, may be related to the inhibitory effect on sickling. (45)
• Acute Toxicity / Leaves: Study evaluated the chemical composition and toxicological profile of leaves of C. cajan in Wistar female rats. Phytochemical screening yielded flavonoids, sterols and polyterpenes, polyphenols, catechin tannins, quinone substances and saponosids. The acute toxicity of the extracts by oral route showed an LD50 of 3715.35 mg/kbw for aqueous extracts and 1174.90 mg/kbw for hydroalcoholic extracts. MTD (maximal tolerated dose) for aqueous and hydroalcoholic extracts were 3500 mg/kg and 400 mg/kbw, respectively. The toxicological data suggest slight toxicity. (46)
• Anticonvulsant / Leaves: Study evaluated the anticonvulsant activity of ethanolic leaf extract of C. cajan in MES-induced convulsions in rat and PTZ-induced convulsion in mice. Phenytoin and diazepams were used as standard drugs. At doses of 100 and 200mg/kg, the extracts significantly increased the onset of latency in PTZ-induced convulsions and caused significant (p<0.0001) effect on the level of GABA and glutamate in a dose dependent manner in both models. Anticonvulsant effect was attributed to flavonoids. (see constituents above) (47)
• PPARy Activators / Anti-Inflammatory / Cytotoxic: Study evaluated the role of peroxisome proliferator activated receptor gamma (PPARγ) as potential target of C. cajan and its compounds for the treatment of cancer, inflammation, and inflammation-related disorders. C. cajan and its compounds exhibited significant anti-inflammatory activity on LPS-stimulated macrophages and showed good cytotoxic activity against 3 different cancer cell lines viz. HeLa, CaCo-2 and MCF-7. Main compounds were orientin, pinostrobin, and vitexin. Cajaninstilbene acid and pinosylvin monomethylether were identified as novel PPARγ activators. (48)
• Antidiabetic / Leaves: Study evaluated the antidiabetic activity of methanol extract of C. cajan leaves. The extract at 400 and 600 mg/kbw dose significantly (p<0.05) reduced fasting blood sugar and alloxan-induced diabetic rats in a dose-dependent manner. It also significantly suppressed peak postprandial rise in blood glucose. Acute toxicity study of leaf extract gave an oral LD50 greater than 5 g/kg. (49)
• Potentiation of Phytoestrogen / Effect on Development of Ovaries / Seeds: Study evaluated the estrogenic compounds in pigeon pea and its effect on the development of ovaries of female Sprague Dawley rats. Analysis of seeds yielded several phytoestrogens. GC-MS analysis of seeds yielded up to 7.91945 µg/kg of 17ß-estradiol. Histologic exams showed normal liver tissue structure and lobules of hepatic sinusoids appeared clean without necrosis; ovarian tissues appeared normal. Results suggest C. cajan has potential as a natural estrogenic substance, which is effective, efficient, and safe for use in human hormone replacement therapy. (50)
• Anti-Hyperglycemic / Antioxidant / Seed Husks: Study evaluated the antioxidant and anti-hyperglycemic potential of pigeon pea seed husks. Methanolic extracts of seed husks were found to be a rich source of polyphenols and protein and showed in vitro free radical scavenging and antioxidant activities. The extract of seed husks significantly (p<0.05) mitigated starch-induced postprandial glycemic excursions and reduced glycemic load in rats, similar to standard drug acarbose. (51)
• Hepatoprotective / -NDEA-Induced Hepatotoxicity: Study evaluated the hepatoprotective potential of C. cajan in male Wistar rats with NDEA -induced hepatotoxicity. NDEA is a nitrosamine found in smoke, meat and food products. Results showed C. cajan ameliorated NDEA-induced hepatotoxicity as evidenced by significantly (p<0.05) decreased ALT and AST and significantly (p<0.05) elevated ALB, biochemical markers altered by NDEA. Hepatoprotective activity may be to antioxidant and free radical scavenging properties from phytochonstituents like alkaloids, flavonoids, steroids, and triterpenoids. (53)
• Anti-Wrinkle / Anti-Melasma / Peptides: Study evaluated the antioxidant activity of peptides extracted from pigeon pea and its cosmetic applications. Antioxidant activity was measured by DPPH assay. IC50 of peptide extracts was 61 µg/ml, higher than ascorbic acid with IC50 1.37 µg/ml. The peptide extracts showed highest activity for stimulating collagen type 1 synthesis. Anti-wrinkle and anti-melasma were evaluated on healthy Asian skin type female between 35-65 years old. Anti-wrinkling effect was evidenced by decreased number of wrinkles and mean depth. Results suggest the extracted peptides were suitable as active ingredients in cosmetics. (54)
• Hyperglycemic Effect / Leaves: Study evaluated the glycemic profile of an aqueous extract of C. cajan leaves in STZ-induced T2 diabetic rats. A single oral administration of graded doses of aqueous extract of leaves showed significant increment of 14.3% in fasting blood glucose levels of normal rats. Similar hyperglycemic effect was seen in subdiabetic and mild diabetic models. Rather than the hypoglycemic effect reported in seeds, this study on leaves showed an opposite and hyperglycemic effect. The effect may be useful in controlling the hypoglycemia occasionally caused by excess of insulin and other hypoglycemic drugs. (56)
• Effect in Hemorrhagic Anemia / Seeds: Study evaluated the effect of C. cajan seeds extract on some hematological parameters among rats with hemorrhagic anemia. There was a significant increase in hemoglobin value (p<0.001) , among others. The increase in hematologic parameters led support to the use of ethanol seed extracts in the treatment of hemorrhagic anemia. (58)
• Germinated Pigeon Pea / Diet for Lowering Oxidative Stress and Hyperglycemia: Study evaluated the antioxidant activity of extract of germinated pigeon pea in alloxan induced diabetic rats. Total phenolic and DPPH scavenging activity increased by 30% and 63%, respectively, after germinating pigeon pea. Consumption of germinated pea reduced fasting blood glucose level in diabetic rats. LPO drastically increased, but there was an increased in GSH level. Results suggest germinated pigeon pea is a good dietary supplement for controlling hyperglycemia and LPO. (59)
• Leaf Formulation / Invention: Invention reports on a formulation of extract of leaves and its new uses: treatment of ischemic necrosis of caput femoris and osteoporosis, improvement of hematological index, anti-inflammatory and analgesic, for enhancement of immunological function, and treatment of angina of CAD, fracture, cerebral infarction, infected wounds and infected wounds of open fracture. (61)
• Comparative Antidiabetic and Antioxidant Activity / Roots: Study evaluated the comparative protective antioxidant activity and antihyperglycemic activity of methanol extracts of C. cajan roots and Tamarindus indica seeds. Results showed significant decrease in fasting glucose levels (p<0.001) in alloxan induced diabetic mice. Both extracts showed high antioxidant capacity. The methanolic root extract of C. cajan showed more potency than T. indica seeds. (62)
• Anti-Inflammatory Stilbenes / Leaves: Study of leaves isolated eighteen stilbenes (1-18), along with six previously undescribed ones (1-6). Compounds 2, 9, 10, 11, and 14 exhibited invitro anti-inflammatory activities, exerting moderate suppression of nitric oxide (NO) secretion in lipopoly-saccharide (LPS)-induced RAW264.7 cells without exhibiting substantial cytotoxicity. (64)
• Dietary Use for Human Nutrition and Health: Consumption of pigeon pea is very limited because of high level of anti-nutrients, hard texture, and unpleasant taste. Review summarized the nutritional profile and its bioactive phytochemicals (cajanin, cajanol, and cajaninstilbene acid), and promoted the application of pigeon pea in food from perspectives of physical (thermal, extrusion, and ultrasound-assisted), chemical (chemical modification and enzymatic hydrolysis), and biological treatment (sprouting and fermentation), mitigation of anti-nutrients, increased production of bioactive phytochemicals, and improvement of sensory properties. Currently, more research is needed on sprouting and fermentation processes to clarify nutrient changes and secondary metabolites from processing. Pigeon pea has potential as a plant-based protein source and functional food. (65)
• Acute and Sub-Chronic Toxicity Studies / Leaves: Study evaluated the toxicological profiles of C. cajan90% water (WEC) and ethanol (EEC) leaf extracts and dichloroform (DEC)and n-butanol (BEC) fractions. Mice were administered oral doses of 15.0 g/kg WEC, EEC, and BEC and 11.3 g/kg DEC. For sub-chronic toxicity evaluation, Sprague-Dawley rats were given oral doses of WEC or EEC at 1.5, 3.0, and 6.0 g/kg for 4 weeks, with 2 weeks observation for toxicological symptoms, histopathology, biochemistry, and hematology effects. No mortality or effects in weight and behavior were observed in acute toxicity test. In subchronic toxicity study, no mortality or significant variances in measured parameters were observed. Increase in kidney weight in EEC-treated female rats and reduced testes and epididymis weight in EEC-treated male rats were attributed to effects of phytoestrogens from the extracts. (66)
Cultivated, semicultivated,
or wildcrafted.